Stacey's Unique Approach

Why a Life Coach?

Now that I am a Health, Life, and Fitness Coach, it is astonishing to look back on my life and the path which brought me here. I have been in the insurance industry for 24 years, I absolutely adore my clients, but the industry has been changing fast and

So how did I escape this debilitating state? I would like to say I just pulled up my boots straps and changed it myself, but that would be a lie. Although there was truly magic in my transformation which began when I went through a life-threatening battle with

Why A Life Coach?

I have a lifestyle that is individually healthy for me and my body. My healthy habits are not something I have to put a lot of time and consideration into, they are just who I am and how I live. I don’t feel deprived or beat myself up. If I want to do or eat something that is not ‘healthy’, I do not judge myself and make the conscious choice one way or another. I still have plenty of stress in my life, but I can stay calm and feel secure in the chaos life brings.