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Super Easy Home Made Yoghurt

making yoghurt 4

Ok Friends, making your own yoghurt sounds crazy right!  That’s what I thought at first, the truth is it’s super easy!

Looking back I wonder why we didn’t start this in our home so much earlier.  I mean think about all the wonderful benefits!  YOU control the ingredients.  No preservatives, the sweetener of your choice (if any), only the flavors you want and you can flavor each serving to fit your taste.  High protein content.  You make it as thick or thin as your family prefers.  Our entire family loves it so much more that store bought.  It’s super cheap!

You will need:

  • 1 gallon Organic Milk (Grass fed if available)
  • Yoghurt starter (we use 1 cup already made yogurt, at room temperature)
  • cheese cloth

Ready for this……..You will not believe how easy it is!

Pour your gallon of milk in your crockpot and set on low heat for 2-21/2 hours, until it reaches 180 degrees.

Pre-heat over to 100 degrees.

Keep the lid on your crockpot (or you will get a layer on the top, if you do just remove it) and let it cool to to 110-125 degrees

Once cooled, mix in your yohurt starter

Place in the pre-heated oven for 12 hours

Place your cheese cloth over a large collander, place the collander over a large bowl.  Pour your yoghurt into the cheese cloth and let drain until it reaches your desired thickness.  If it gets too thick, no problem just mix some of the liquid that drains out back in.

Once drained to your preference, still, place in a container and chill.


Let’s talk about that liquid left over, this is the Whey and also has a high protein content.

There are many uses for this liquid you can use in in your shakes and smoothies, as the liquid in soups, or a replacement for water in other recipes to add more protein.  We go through a batch of yogurt really fast and sometimes when I make a new batch we still have quite a bit of whey left over.  When this happens I use it to water my house plants and garden and they LOVE it!

The Pictures below are when the yogurt is first poured into the cloth to strain, once it has strained, they left over whey, and the final product made my boy’s way with a little honey and fresh blueberries.

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